miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

strange vacations..

Hello, I'm Cain again.
This time I'm going to tell about about a strange situation I lived.. the doctor calls it "delirium".

This happened last saturday, I was in my bedroom and I was playing a virtual game I like a lot: Ragnarok. Ro [the short way to call it] is a game where you choose a character and a job, and you have to level up. I have an "Assassin", a character who is mysterious, uses katars and makes some silent attacks.

I was very concentrated when everything happened... I was leveling up my character when suddenly I was inside the game, I was my character.. and I was in a very dangerous situation..

So I decided to go back to the city where I lived in the game: morroc.

Morroc is a desert and very populated city in the south of prontera [the main game's city]. Morroc was very beautiful city, but now, it's destroyed. Why? here is a little history:

Satan Morroc, who was defeated quite a long time before the start of Ragnarok by Thanatos (Who then had his tower built to celebrate his victory) has broken free of the seal Thanatos used to bind him underneath the pool of water in the center of Morroc, his resurrection caused extreme damage to Morroc.

The morroc weather is so hot during the days and too cool at night, because is a desert of course. But I liked a lot to live here.

But in a situation like this, I really didn't know what to do, even if I was very accustomed to this city. I decided to look for my game friends to talk, I wanted to ask for help. When I met them everything changed again. I felt very good with them, even we decided to go to hunt some items that they need [this experience was really amazing].. we took a trip to another city and we started to explore the places near the city, we wanted to find "valkyrie": a strong monster who dropped the item that we needed. We strove a lot and with everyone's colaboration, we killed valkyrie, and she dropped the item! we were very happy.

But at the same speed that I arrived to morroc, I returned to "reality", I was in my bedroom again, in front of my computer, playing ro with my friends, we were celebrating our victory...

Undoubtedly, this was a very very very strange trip, But I really considered it to be, the best vacations I have had in a long time. I'm never going to forget that. [But doctors don't think the same, I really dont care...]

A Morroc's picture:

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

My best friend

hi, today I'm not going to talk about my schizophrenic character. Today I'm going to talk about myself, a very important part of myself.

I'm going to talk to you about my best friend: Cynthia

I met pepa [how I call her] in the school, a lot of years ago. I met her in kindergarden.

We were classmates and we started to be friends inmediatly. In fact, I think we're something like "sisters", because we know each other about 14 years, ours family knows each other too, and we have a lot of memories toguether.

About the memories we have, I think I can't choose only one, but I'm going to talk you about one very funny.

We went to a mall with 2 friends [Karina and Fox: two very close and good friends of us] and we had a really nice day. We had breakfast toguether, we visit all the clothe's stores. But the funniest's thing we did was a visit to a Birthday's store. There, we started to try the whole hats in the store on.

There was a lot of funny and beautiful hats and We get a lot of funny pictures. We had a really good day with our friends.

It's a good memory, isn't it?

Ah! I remember another memory with her, but this one is more like a "adventure"..
When we were in 7th or 8th grade, we had to go to a hill with my classmates. We had to climb for hours and when we arrived to the place we had to go, we were exhausted. I really don't know why we had to do something like that, but it was a really good experience and we had fun in the end.

I feel really happy when I remember this memories that we had with pepa, I think she's a really good friend. Besides I like a lot of things about her. I like her mood, even if it is a little [a lot] bored. I like her enthusiasm when she's happy. I like her smile and her very high laugh!

But nothing is perfect, and there are litlle things I dislike about her, but I think that those things aren't so important, because all the things cannot be good. I think little differences are necesaries to have a good friendship.
This is the same reason that I don't envy nothing of her, because nobody can had everything we like to have, so I'm going to ignore this topic.

If I could give somehing to pepa, besides my support in whenever she wants [but only if this thing couldn't hurt her] and my company when she needs me, I would like to give her the crepusculo's book collection and a very very very very BIG Fernando Gonzalez's photo.

well, that's all.

And to finish, a photo!
of the "birthday's store visit " ones

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009


My Name is Cain.
I'm 19 but I feel like I live a lot of years more..

I'm a psichiatric patient. I have schizophrenia, but I'm not what you think I am.
I'm the kind of person you probably call almost normal: I live with my parents in a small house near the center of this city. I have friends, even if they're a few, but they're really good friends. I'm a student too, but in my school my life isn't too easy.
My classmates know that I'm schizophrenic, so they don't talk to me a lot. I think they're scared or something like that. I don't really care. I don't need to show to anyone who I am, if they don't want to know about me or talk to me, I think is their problem.
Well, that is what I think now... Some years ago I really suffer because of this situation, I felt so rejected, hopeless... But that was the past.
Now, my life is very, how can I say it?: Wonderful. I knew a girl who show me the meaning of living, the meaning of love. I met her in a party and I felt in love inmediatly. Now we have a really beautiful relationship, but the most important: I'm totaly Happy.
So, the reason I'm writing here is to tell you. to the people who is like me: you're so wonderful, you can live in the way you want, you don't need to worry about what is the people talking, the opportunity to live is only one..
please take it! and do it as good as you can!