domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

it's time to say goodbye/ about my english experience

Idioms are very important in our age, because we constantly are reading a lot of things, movies, posters, information of any kind. So I think languages are very necessary to live, understand, and communicate with other people in other places or in other conditions. About this, I think the most important idiom that everyone must know and learn is english. In the same way, English it’s very important to the student’s life. Why? Because we need to read different papers and books that sometimes are in English, and sometimes we are not prepared to read it. For that reason, in our faculty teach us English.

The English programme consists in four levels, where we were separate by a test that we did in the beginning of the first year of psychology. If we pass the four levels we can get a “pre-intermediate” certificate.

Talking about me, the level where I started to learn english in the university was “english II”. I was very frustrated when I saw the results of the test, because I thought that I’m going to be in the third level. I think my frustration was because I was in an english’s institute for three years. I decided to study english because I really like that idiom, so I asked to my mother to register me in the institute. My mother didn’t like the idea in the beginning, because in that year I was in other school, so she was concerned about my marks. But I insisted and she accepted.

Well. So I think I hated second level for that reason, furthermore, I really knew everything that we “learn” in that course. But, well, life is full of that kind of moments, I think.... Others english levels were ok, I liked the teachers and I had fun with my friends. Well, I learn a lot of things too, and I remembered a lot of things that I forgot.

In conclution, I think my expercience with the english course of the university, in general, was very well. I learned a lot of things, I really had good moments, specially in blog time, because I loved a lot to do this activity, because I think it is very usefull to practice the things we learn in class. Furthermore, specially in four level, I enjoyed a lot blog time, because I liked when my classmates listened to differents songs, because new computers has speakers 83 . I liked blog activity because I can play facebook’s games too. Yes, I admited it, I played games in class. So what?

Well, I think I’m going to miss english.

See yaaa!!

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

challenges to face

I think psychology is facing some challenges since the career was created, because its objectives are so changeable and sometimes are much undefined. Actually, and talking about my experience in this career and in this faculty, I think my discipline need improve some specials things about for example education.

In education area, I think this career need best teachers… something like have real teachers of psychology. Researchers are so cool and I know they know a lot, but they are so cool investigating, but sometimes they are not good teachers. Maybe the topic of today doesn’t want me to talk about this kind of challenges, but I think if we have to be good professionals in the future, or if we want to contribute in some areas investigating or creating new perspectives, we need to have a good base, and for that we need a good and a specialized education.

Talking more about education I think psychology has another important challenge. I think our discipline has to contribute to the education of children since they’re kids. Why? Because if psychology helps teachers or school’s personnel, I think we as psychologists can make more efficient or dedicated children, we can help them to develop its personality in a best way.

Talking about social matters and technology I think our discipline need to improve and created more places to treat people, because there are some hospitals that treat psychological problems but the conditions are very poor. I think if we want to do more professionals things we need to have the places to do it, nor a room or even worse room in poor or subhuman conditions.

To resolve this challenges I think psychology need more disposition, because for example to improve education or maybe labor conditions, psychologist need to have more time to waste helping people. On the other hand, our discipline needs more monetary contribution, because, even if some people want to build new hospitals or clinics, if they don’t have money, they can’t do anything.

For that reason, I think psychology can have many challenges to face or many things to do, but if our discipline doesn’t have the necessary contributions, nothing of our dreams never comes true.

The end.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

things I love to do!!

People say students don’t have time to fun when they are in classes. But that it’s not true. Why? Because I saw people of my faculty every Friday staying at university, but that people don’t stay here to study, they stay to have fun.

In my case, I think I always have time to do things that I love to do. I have to admit that sometimes I neglect my university’s activities, but I’m not sorry for that at all, because I think that if I only make university things I’m going to be like a robot or someone without life. The activities that I always do and these who I enjoy the most are:

Be online: I love internet, I think it’s really essential in my life, so always, everyday in the night, I’m in the computer using messenger and visiting my favorite websites. A website that I love to see, and I’m not getting tired never to see it, its BJD’s sites. BJD are Koreans dolls make of resin. Using messenger is other thing that I love to do, because I can speak with my friends and more specially I can talk with my boyfriend *-*

Listen to music: I think this is a so common activity but I really love to do it. I think music help me to be more quiet and in peace with myself when I get angry or when I sad. Music also helps to be more active when I’m sleepy or makes me happier when I already am in a good way. I listen to music every time I can do it; because it always helps me to everything… it’s like a partner I’m always going to have.

Make crafts: I loooooooooooove to do manual crafts. Crafts it’s my favorite activity to do because I really have fun when I do it. I make some like Japanese stuff, something like cute things, like pins, plushies, flowers, gifts to my friends, some thematic stuff, like gifts to mother’s day, Halloween, Christmas, etc. I do accessories for my cosplay too. Well I have to admit that I’m totally otaku but I like it.

Well that’s all
See you!

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

The current situation of my faculty is not the best that we’d like to have, but it’s not the worse faculty either. We have a lot of things that we need and we use every day, such as a computer’s room (with a lot of new and good computers), cafetería, library, photocopiers, etc.

However, a psychology’s faculty needs a lot of things more than the things that we have. For example, a neuroscience laboratory, because we only have theoretical classes and we can’t know the instruments or the real use of some structures and machines. We need a study rooms too, because – I don’t know why – but the people in this faculty are very noisy, so I think that when we want to be calm and in silence to study or read, we don’t have where to do it (I go to the faculty of arts to study alone and in peace).

The first step, I think, could be the “study room” because I think it’s easier to construct and doesn’t require a big amount of money to do it. The benefit of this room is that people might have, for the first time, a place to study quietly, without the voice and conversations of other students can stress and make you angry.

Other facilities this faculty needs can be the next ones: a “real” library, because we have one that doesn’t have the necessary books. Another thing it’s about the need of the improvement of the size of some rooms, because the rooms of other careers are really really bad, considering the number of students per room.

However, I like this faculty a lot!

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

World mental health day!

I chose the article about the international mental health day, because in this new appears the story of a man who has an schizo-affected disorder, he told his story and tried to express people the importance of choose the rigth way in the mental illness' context.

October 10 is the date of the world mental health day. In this day, people from every part of the world fight to raise awareness and to try to get the necesary funds to help people with mental illness.

In this article appears the story of Andrew Smith, a guy who is 28 and who has a lot of complications because of his disorder. He has mental problems since he was a boy. When he was 8 he has depression and his mother was so borried about him because he was so differents to the others boys.

When he was 20 and his life was a mess because he used drugs, he finally admited to his mother that he heard voices and he was afraid for that. He thinks that the reason of his disorder is the genes of his natural mother (because he was adopted), because she had very seriously mental illness. He was diagnosed when he was 23, and the told to the newspaper that his life wasn't simple and easy, because people moved away from he, because his disorder. Even friends or people who he had a relation leave him alone.

However, he tells to everyone to go to the doctor if someone has some king of symptoms and he is very happy for the posibility to tell his story.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009

I think that is so difficult to choose only one favorite food, because I like a lot of different dishes! Everyone with its special flavor that makes me love to eat it! However if I have to choose only one I think it could be the “Chinese food”.

Chinese food is the best in the world for me to eat. I think that it’s so special and prepared, and the ingredients and the flavor make this food so good for me. My favorite dish is: “carne mongoliana”. I like this dish because I love meat and I think the special flavor that this dish has is so nice to taste and eat. Like I said before, I like the flavor of the meat, but I like the vegetables flavor too. I think the mix of these two ingredients makes this dish be perfect.

Even I like this dish a lot; I really don’t have any idea to how this food is prepared xD! I know how to cook food to survive and I know I’m never going to die for hungry. But, I don’t know how to cook food more detailed. For this reason, I never cook specials dish for anyone, but I cook simple food for my boyfriend when we eat in his home and we’re alone.
The best food to combine “carne Mongoliana” for me is: “arroz chaufan”. I think this is the typical Chinese food that everyone eats and knows, but I really believe that is perfect! I like the flavor, the consistency, the smell, everything. I think this dish is perfect to share with friends in the night or in a special meeting.

Well I think that this dish likes to a big number of people, hope you like it too!!!

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

If some tourist come to Chile and ask me about the places he/she must visit, I think I can tell you about some places I like to go alot. These places are:

1.-“Parque de las esculturas”: this park is ubicated in Providencia, and was built between 1986 and 1988. This park was built because the municipality wants to make a place to art after the Mapocho River’s flood. In this place some musicians made their shows too. So I think it’s a very complete place.

2.-“museo Nacional de Bellas artes”: I think this place its so special for our country and every tourist who come Must visit it. This place has the mission to contribute to the art’s practices. I can’t tell too much about this place, because its name tells everything.
3.-“La moneda”: I think this place doesn’t need an introduction, but here I go: La moneda it’s our government palace.

4. - “Barrio Paris-Londres”: I think this place its very wonderful because it’s so beautiful and historical. This place is in the center of Santiago and some of its features is the European Architectural style.

5. - The last place that a tourist can visit in Santiago is: “Valle Nevado”. This is a ski resort that is located sixty kilometers from the airport, when you can enjoy the snow and make surf.

Well, I hope you like these places.
See ya!

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009


The last movie I saw was Up. Up its an disney's pixar about an oldman called carl who lives alone in the middle of the city, a modern city that want to demolish his house to build a building. however, carl refuse to sell his house, because it was a place to remember his wife, Ellie, a woman he loves a lot, but she died of old age, leaving Carl alone and sad... So one day, when for an accident he was condened to go to Shady Oaks Retirement Home, he decides to move his house to Paradise Falls in South America. Why? because his wife always want to do it when she was a little girl. So, he filled the house with balloons and maked it fly!

well, I think I can't tell you all of the story, because it's going to be so boring.

I saw this movie in cinehoyts! I went with my boyfriend because he invited me to go =3. I didn't remember the date but it was really beautiful ^^.

I totally recommend you this movie, because its so beautiful, and makes you fell all of the feelings: happiness, sadness, suspense[well a little bit of suspenseXD], etc! So, you MUST see up.

well, that's all for today!

see you!

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009


Well, I think Transantiago is a very difficult topic to talk, because people have very different opinions about it. In my case, I like Transantiago because it helps me to go to any places I want to go, and I think buses are in very good conditions in comparison with the old ugly and noisy buses.
Transantiago started in the summer of 2007 and it was completely chaotic, because people didn’t know how to use the buses. People didn’t want to read the manuals or see the maps, what’s more, the buses were late or simple there was no buses. Then, people were very unhappy with this new system, even some people broke some “validators”.
In my experience, I can’t compare Transantiago with the previous system, because at the time it started I didn’t use buses, because I still was in school and I used to walk. Now, I use it more, but I think it is very useful, because there are buses in every rute that I need. Well the only thing that I can say about the differences between Transantiago and the old buses, it’s this: Transantiago has a new system to pay the fare, on the buses we pay with the “bip”card, a card that we only have to put close to the “validator” and it takes our money out.
Well, I think the only thing that transantiago can improve is the amount of buses, because I think the number is still insufficient.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009


If I have the enough money and time to visit any country that I want, I definitely choose one: Bali's island. I don't know if bali is a country or not, I think is not, but is a place that I want to visit someday. I want to go bali because - I think is a so stupid reason - I use "bali" like a nickname on internet... I don't know that Bali was a place, I chose that nickname because is derived from Beli, that comes from Belial [a anime-character], it is a long and boring history, I only want to tell you the reason xD

I want to visit Bali like a tourist, I only want to go and see every place I can remember. I think I want to in about 6 years, when I get married, and I visit the island like "honeymoon".

I really feel like an idiot, speaking about a place I don't know nothing... but I want to visit it, I don't care if you believe I'm mad[because I am!]

But! I'm a very curious person, so I searched bali's island's photos and I found this one, that I think is so beautiful and make me think that I want to be in that place someday...

I think is enough for today!
see you next week
ja ne!

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

a short "good" summary

First of all: Now, I'm in the last english course, but I'm going to use this blog anyway because I only have one blog, this xD.

Today I'm going to talk about the last semester that was a very productive period. I’m going to tell you some things about it.

In the university I learn a lot of new things, because we had 6 different subjects, such as: psychopathology, personality, development psychology between others. My favorite was psychopathology because this subject was about all things that I like of the career, Well, I think I decided to study psychology for this topic. Also, we went to the psychiatric hospital too, so I definitely fell in love of this subject. But like I always say: nothing is perfect, and I had a subject that I’m going to hate forever: neurophysiology. I don’t have a good reason to hate this subject, but I hate it anyway. I don’t like a lot biological things, so this class was my punishment. I didn’t like the teacher too, so was terrible to me, I think I didn’t go frequently to that class; maybe I hate it more for that.

I did sports in the last semester too. I did a course called training and health. But I don’t have a lot to say about this, because I did it only because I HAD TO do it. Anyway, I didn’t hate it, like neurophysiology.

In the others aspects of my life, like in my family things weren’t very good. Maybe in some moments of our lives family isn’t a good reference or company. I think is a moment like that. But I’m not alone only because I didn’t have a good relation with my parents, because I have my boyfriend by my side, so I didn’t and I don’t need nothing more.

Ah! Something that I forgotten: last semester I started to work. I feel so proud of myself for that. Is a new experience for me, so I feel very happy for me, because I show me that I can take decisions.

Well, I think is a “good” short summary of my life in the last semester.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

About blog and english =D!

I think that use blog to help students to learn english is very useful, because help us to start to practice the things that we learn every week in the class, and help us to practice our writting english.
I really enjoy this experience because I always want to use a blog, and I never write in one. So, in this time I join two things that I like a lot: english and writting. For that reason I came to class almost always[ the times that I didn't go I did my blog in another place =D!].

I think that use english blogs help me to learn more vocabulary, because I think that I don't know enough. For that reason I can tell that using blogs help to improve english.

About the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class. I think the advantages of this experience is that this help to develop writting english and to memorize gramatic. But nothing is perfect, and I think using blogs can make bad things in our learning, because we're writting alone and nobody correct us inmediatly in our mistakes.
Anyway, I think that use blogs can help to learn but it can be the only one tool in the learning process.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

If I have to choose one of my subjects, the one I like the most was: phylosophy. In this Subject the learned about like the name said: phylosophy. We learn philosophical foundations of modern, We read about different authors, some of the are: Descartes, Kant, Locke, etc.

In this class I do a lots of things, some things related to the class, some things not. In this class I read, I draw, I slept and of course, I payed attention (but not always. I had a problem with the subjects that I like, because if I love the subject, in that class I do anything, but I can't pay attention in a serious way).

This subject is given by "mago" (this is the way that my group call to the teacher Jorge Fernandez Darraz). I really love him. I think he is so funny and I preffer him before others teachers because he let me sleep in peace without tell me something.

I really loved that subject, I think is because "mago" *-*

well, that's all for now
Take care of yourself
wash your's teeth!
bye bye

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Ken Robinson

Ken Robinson talks about education and creativity.
He thinks that creativity is important in the same level of literacy and for that reason we had to treat it in the same status. However, in education systems does not care about the capacities that children have. They give more importance to language and mathematics, puttings arts in the end of the list, like arts wasn't important. Also, education systems stigmatize mistakes, make mistakes is the worst thing chindren can do, and the result is that they don't develop their capacities, their creativity. I think that make mistakes is so necessary and important to create, to make art, to develop our talent.

For this and others reason, Ken Robinson proposes to change the education's view. He thinks is important to worry about the capacities of children, because he is sure that they can do wonders if people help them to develop their skills.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009


Talk about future is so difficult I think. I believe the future changes everytime, depending in what we do in the present. But if I have to talk something about this, I'm going to talk about what I think I like to do in some years from now.

In 5 years from now, I hope I can be working in a permanent job, maybe in a clinic or something like that. I hope I can earn the enough money to do the things that make me feel responsable and adult.

I'd like to live by my own, in a apparment or a little house in a peaceful place, I'd like to live with my, in that time, fiance or husband [my actual boyfriend]. In 5 years, I don't want to have children, because I think I'm going to be too young and I want to enjoy couple's life a lot, and children are a big responsibility.

I'd like to have a peaceful life, so different to my actual life's style. I would like to have more character and I'd want to have the capacity to take the right decisions.

In 5 years from now, I only want to live in the way I want.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

the best of my area?

I really don't think that person exist, but if I have to choose one, I'm going to talk about Beck.
I think Beck is important, because he developed the cognitive therapy in 1960.

Beck's Cognitive therapy is effective helping the client to change theirs dysfunctional schemes into the "normal" way. This therapy help to produce a cognitive change.

In cognitive therapy, both the terapist and the patients are important to recognize this schemes. For the same reason, the terapist must tell to the patients the case conceptualization, because it can help to the information's collection. The terapist must use the information to deduce the patient's autoconcept. He must does a fast evaluation about the validity of the patient's image. Later, is necessary to establish goals to the patients.

For this therapy is important to create a relation with the patient, establishing cooperation and trust in the patient.

well, I like this therapy, and for that reason I think Beck is important in psychology.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

let's talk about psichology!

This time I'm going to talk to you about my career: psichology.

I always wanted to study psichology. I really don't know why, I don't have a credible reason, I just wanted to study it.
And here I am, even if I'm not a perfect student, I enjoy my career a lot, I think I enjoy it more than some people who can be called "perfect students".
But I think I have a strange obsession with pathologies, maybe that can be a reason, who knows..

Like I said, I'm in love with patologies, so that is the part of my career that I enjoy even if I don't know a lot about them [but I'm going to learn a lot about it! I swear!]

But nothing is perfect... I hate the biology's part of psichology. This part made me pass terrible moments [like exams].

About my future as a psychologist, I still don't decide what I want to do exactly, but I think I'm going to be the clasic clinical psychologist...

that's all for today..
see you!

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

Today I'm going to talk about this picture that I like it a lot!

This picture is important to me because the day when the photo was taken I had a really good day with my boyfriend and my cousin.
This picture was taken1 year ago, I don't remember the day or the month... [I really don't remember dates, I'm Doris from finding nemo].
We [my boyfriend, my cousin and I] were walking to a park after we had lunch and we started to talk about "gay parade". We wanted to go because we like the kind of music of this event very much. While we were talking and walking I looked to a bus stop and I saw the gay parade's poster and I said: oh my gosh! it's today!
So we decided to go [and turn back because we were walking to the opposite direction].

Gay parade is a really funny and enjoyable event, even if you aren't gay, because you can dance, share with friends, etc.

I love this picture because I think my boyfriend looks very beautiful *-* [well, I have to admit it, I think my boyfriend looks very beautiful in every picture that I have of him]

That day was a nice one, that is the reason because I chose this picture.

see you!
Ja ne!

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

My most precious possession...

It's so difficult to choose the most important or the most precious thing that I have, but I think I can talk to you about this: my manual skills.

I think manual skills is something very rare, special and unique, because it isn't something that everyone have, so I really like to have this skill. I can do a lot of things, por example: teddy bears, flowers, drawings, pins, cards, etc.

Besides, this skill is very useful, because I can do my own gifts to give it to people who is important to me. Besides they think this gifts are so unique and surprising because their gifts were maked by hand and that is so special for them.

I can earn my own money with this skill too, because I do "things" [like I call them] according to festivities and special dates. This time for example. I'm making gifts to mother's day! [if you don't have a gift to your mother yet!].

Anyway, I like to make this "things" to give it to my boyfriend, because he is my inspiration. So I'm giving gifts to him all the time...

A photo of the "things" I make:

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

strange vacations..

Hello, I'm Cain again.
This time I'm going to tell about about a strange situation I lived.. the doctor calls it "delirium".

This happened last saturday, I was in my bedroom and I was playing a virtual game I like a lot: Ragnarok. Ro [the short way to call it] is a game where you choose a character and a job, and you have to level up. I have an "Assassin", a character who is mysterious, uses katars and makes some silent attacks.

I was very concentrated when everything happened... I was leveling up my character when suddenly I was inside the game, I was my character.. and I was in a very dangerous situation..

So I decided to go back to the city where I lived in the game: morroc.

Morroc is a desert and very populated city in the south of prontera [the main game's city]. Morroc was very beautiful city, but now, it's destroyed. Why? here is a little history:

Satan Morroc, who was defeated quite a long time before the start of Ragnarok by Thanatos (Who then had his tower built to celebrate his victory) has broken free of the seal Thanatos used to bind him underneath the pool of water in the center of Morroc, his resurrection caused extreme damage to Morroc.

The morroc weather is so hot during the days and too cool at night, because is a desert of course. But I liked a lot to live here.

But in a situation like this, I really didn't know what to do, even if I was very accustomed to this city. I decided to look for my game friends to talk, I wanted to ask for help. When I met them everything changed again. I felt very good with them, even we decided to go to hunt some items that they need [this experience was really amazing].. we took a trip to another city and we started to explore the places near the city, we wanted to find "valkyrie": a strong monster who dropped the item that we needed. We strove a lot and with everyone's colaboration, we killed valkyrie, and she dropped the item! we were very happy.

But at the same speed that I arrived to morroc, I returned to "reality", I was in my bedroom again, in front of my computer, playing ro with my friends, we were celebrating our victory...

Undoubtedly, this was a very very very strange trip, But I really considered it to be, the best vacations I have had in a long time. I'm never going to forget that. [But doctors don't think the same, I really dont care...]

A Morroc's picture:

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

My best friend

hi, today I'm not going to talk about my schizophrenic character. Today I'm going to talk about myself, a very important part of myself.

I'm going to talk to you about my best friend: Cynthia

I met pepa [how I call her] in the school, a lot of years ago. I met her in kindergarden.

We were classmates and we started to be friends inmediatly. In fact, I think we're something like "sisters", because we know each other about 14 years, ours family knows each other too, and we have a lot of memories toguether.

About the memories we have, I think I can't choose only one, but I'm going to talk you about one very funny.

We went to a mall with 2 friends [Karina and Fox: two very close and good friends of us] and we had a really nice day. We had breakfast toguether, we visit all the clothe's stores. But the funniest's thing we did was a visit to a Birthday's store. There, we started to try the whole hats in the store on.

There was a lot of funny and beautiful hats and We get a lot of funny pictures. We had a really good day with our friends.

It's a good memory, isn't it?

Ah! I remember another memory with her, but this one is more like a "adventure"..
When we were in 7th or 8th grade, we had to go to a hill with my classmates. We had to climb for hours and when we arrived to the place we had to go, we were exhausted. I really don't know why we had to do something like that, but it was a really good experience and we had fun in the end.

I feel really happy when I remember this memories that we had with pepa, I think she's a really good friend. Besides I like a lot of things about her. I like her mood, even if it is a little [a lot] bored. I like her enthusiasm when she's happy. I like her smile and her very high laugh!

But nothing is perfect, and there are litlle things I dislike about her, but I think that those things aren't so important, because all the things cannot be good. I think little differences are necesaries to have a good friendship.
This is the same reason that I don't envy nothing of her, because nobody can had everything we like to have, so I'm going to ignore this topic.

If I could give somehing to pepa, besides my support in whenever she wants [but only if this thing couldn't hurt her] and my company when she needs me, I would like to give her the crepusculo's book collection and a very very very very BIG Fernando Gonzalez's photo.

well, that's all.

And to finish, a photo!
of the "birthday's store visit " ones

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009


My Name is Cain.
I'm 19 but I feel like I live a lot of years more..

I'm a psichiatric patient. I have schizophrenia, but I'm not what you think I am.
I'm the kind of person you probably call almost normal: I live with my parents in a small house near the center of this city. I have friends, even if they're a few, but they're really good friends. I'm a student too, but in my school my life isn't too easy.
My classmates know that I'm schizophrenic, so they don't talk to me a lot. I think they're scared or something like that. I don't really care. I don't need to show to anyone who I am, if they don't want to know about me or talk to me, I think is their problem.
Well, that is what I think now... Some years ago I really suffer because of this situation, I felt so rejected, hopeless... But that was the past.
Now, my life is very, how can I say it?: Wonderful. I knew a girl who show me the meaning of living, the meaning of love. I met her in a party and I felt in love inmediatly. Now we have a really beautiful relationship, but the most important: I'm totaly Happy.
So, the reason I'm writing here is to tell you. to the people who is like me: you're so wonderful, you can live in the way you want, you don't need to worry about what is the people talking, the opportunity to live is only one..
please take it! and do it as good as you can!