miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

let's talk about psichology!

This time I'm going to talk to you about my career: psichology.

I always wanted to study psichology. I really don't know why, I don't have a credible reason, I just wanted to study it.
And here I am, even if I'm not a perfect student, I enjoy my career a lot, I think I enjoy it more than some people who can be called "perfect students".
But I think I have a strange obsession with pathologies, maybe that can be a reason, who knows..

Like I said, I'm in love with patologies, so that is the part of my career that I enjoy even if I don't know a lot about them [but I'm going to learn a lot about it! I swear!]

But nothing is perfect... I hate the biology's part of psichology. This part made me pass terrible moments [like exams].

About my future as a psychologist, I still don't decide what I want to do exactly, but I think I'm going to be the clasic clinical psychologist...

that's all for today..
see you!

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