viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009


Well, I think Transantiago is a very difficult topic to talk, because people have very different opinions about it. In my case, I like Transantiago because it helps me to go to any places I want to go, and I think buses are in very good conditions in comparison with the old ugly and noisy buses.
Transantiago started in the summer of 2007 and it was completely chaotic, because people didn’t know how to use the buses. People didn’t want to read the manuals or see the maps, what’s more, the buses were late or simple there was no buses. Then, people were very unhappy with this new system, even some people broke some “validators”.
In my experience, I can’t compare Transantiago with the previous system, because at the time it started I didn’t use buses, because I still was in school and I used to walk. Now, I use it more, but I think it is very useful, because there are buses in every rute that I need. Well the only thing that I can say about the differences between Transantiago and the old buses, it’s this: Transantiago has a new system to pay the fare, on the buses we pay with the “bip”card, a card that we only have to put close to the “validator” and it takes our money out.
Well, I think the only thing that transantiago can improve is the amount of buses, because I think the number is still insufficient.

8 comentarios:

Marcelo! dijo...

people that broke validators wer so flyte!!!
I like you're picture =)


Rodolfo Andrés dijo...

I think you're right.

kenotkd dijo...

hahaha I didn't use buses too, even now I don't use it XD. I only ride my bike.
Nice post,

Francisca dijo...

I am agree with you.

Ingrid Carocca dijo...

I agree with you. I think buses aren't enough, but I hope it will improve...

Anónimo dijo...

ajajjaaj I like your picture!
I am agree with you!
=) bye

Vzapatacid dijo...

very beautiful picture =)

Marcela Díaz dijo...


how are you??

I think you're right with that.
take care...
